Only those who cherish the writhing, searing darkness were given the keeper's black attire." Their ability to harness your curses (dark sigils) and be a draw for humanity is all in service of the bastardized mission of linking the flame. Recall the firekeeper set, "The Fire Keepers were robbed of light, to better serve as vessels for souls.
Keep in mind what gnaws on irina isn't the product of the darkness malevolently harvesting her skin or what have you, whatever gnaws at her skin is a product of herself and the efforts made by all to make her a firekeeper. Likewise, another easy example is Agdayne's warning if you bring a torch into the undead crypt. Manus and the terrors from him are reactions to provocation. Manus was resting in peace until his grave was uncovered and exposed by the denizens of oolacile. Think back on something like the abyss in oolacile. "ĭarkness is tainted and twisted by light. But in the Abyss, there are shadows none. Where fire resideth, shadows twist and shrivel. Of a delicate thing, little more than a girl. Wait a second, " And so, despite his weighty armour, he lived in fear. Of the dark, of the things that gnawed at her flesh.And yet! The Abyss hath yet to produce any such creature!" LOL WE SEE THINGS THAT GNAW ALL THE TIME. What about the terrors of the abyss? " And so, she lived in fear. A Darkmoon Blade is a thankless endeavor, but the dark craves nothing but your surrender. Sirris murdered her family, and her covenant and allegiance offered no respite.
Likewise, the examination of all scholars of the series (easiest one to point to is big hat logan, but there is also orbeck or anyone else really that became mad to knowledge) is a damning truth: your infinite expanse of and thirst for knowledge doesn't matter. Only the Abyss can grant closure, if not reunion, with his loved one (this is mostly seen as a metaphor for reunion in the afterlife). He mentions the plight of Alva and Zullie, and that their love is doomed for tragedy.

The actual content of the messages? They're a way to advocate that the path of light doesn't redeem people. He isn't thinking with his stomach when he's talking to you. Likewise, the preacher that talks to you with his quotes only "remembers" (his hunger presumably) after you aggro him. This locust is still preaching this to you and hoping you go to the dark when he has no stomach to hunger with. There is a path of righteousness behind the intention. The message is a confession that most locusts are greedy and gluttonous, but *most* indicates there are *some* that don't. Perhaps that someone is you? Did you not arise from the Abyss, and did you not resist drowning in the Age of Fire? Locusts and men are kindred spirits. Someone must rise to the occasion, and restore the path of righteousness. " The white-faced locusts were meant to beckon men to the dark with sermons, but most of them are unable to think past their own stomachs.

If you notice, the White Preacher Head is talking to you in its lore description.